Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Yeah, I never blogged our progress. Grr. But really for the bulk of the year, it was just the five of us doing the planning, and one of the five was more of an adjunct due to her schedule. So, four people. It wasn't until mid-July that anyone else officially joined the camp (i.e., paid their dues). By that point, the planning was done and the execution was in full swing. A lot of work on very few shoulders, so not much time to blog.

But it got done. And a few of the late comers (i.e., early August joiners) threw themselves into it whole heartedly, which was a joy. Some folks, earlier and later joiners, didn't do so, which was disappointing. Part of me wants to bitch about it, but there's not much point, though I will say that most of these same people did squat on-playa as well. Huh. Fancy that. :~/ Their continued membership with the Palace will be a subject of discussion, of course. I just don't want to camp with folks who aren't going to pull their weight.

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